Category Archives: Lindsay’s Lounge

The Most “Awkward” Situation

Well my life is always interesting, but I never would have thought it would have been this interesting!!!! Let me just start with being single this day and age is hard and weird if you dont do online dating #2018problems, so the question is where do you meet people then if your like me and…MORE

My Top “Big Game” Snacks

My favoritme time of year, The Super Bowl, I personally think that it should be a national holiday, not that Sunday of course, the Monday after lol! Like why should we go to work that day, I mean we are all kind of useless that day anyway right, so it would just be better for…MORE


Lisa’s Pet Of The Week

Lisa’s Pet Of The Week

Bali was adopted into a loving home and his human became unable to care for him. Now this very good boy is looking for his forever home.