The Gospel Show Holiday Brunch

Gospel Show Holiday Brunch Logo

The Gospel Show Holiday Brunch – 11am-2pm – Sunday, March 20th, 2016 – City Winery

We are celebrating the Easter holiday with the “Gospel Diva” Connie Denell at City Winery! We invite you, our loyal listeners, to purchase tickets to the Gospel Show Holiday Brunch! This mega event combines the power of 92Q’s Gospel Show with our passionate audience. The “Gospel Diva” (Connie Denell) will broadcast live from City Winery from 9am-1pm. Listeners will be encouraged to join her for a portion of the broadcast and brunch from 11am-2pm.

Featured performances by:

Jonathan McReynolds  Janice-GainesCROPPED-1024x1024 253585_455831767770880_1548444793_n

Jonathan McReynolds                           Janice Gaines                       Sistah Willie Ruth Johnson

Event ticket includes featured entertainment and a brunch buffet.





Lisa’s Pet Of The Week

Lisa’s Pet Of The Week

Derek is a very good boy. His calm and gentle nature makes him the perfect addition to a loving home looking for a sweet and well-mannered companion