The Affordable Health Care Act – Beyond Politics

The Affordable Health Care Act begins to take effect this Fall, and as Americans face their annual Open Enrollment period an overwhelming number of questions abound.

Here we offer public service features designed to help you navigate through this process. Check here regularly for updated information. 

Will I have trouble obtaining health coverage if I have a pre-existing medical condition?


Will I be able to keep my current doctor once the law takes effect?


I keep hearing about coverage of “preventative health services” under the new law. What’s covered?


What happens if I lose my job and employer health care coverage once the new law takes affect?


I keep hearing about coverage of “preventative health services” under the new law. What does that mean?


I currently receive Health Insurance through my employer. Do I have the option of buying it myself from one of the new health Exchanges?


I’m 23 years old. I have a job and an apartment, but no health care coverage and I can’t afford it myself. Can I stay on my parents’ plan?



For more information on The Affordable Health Care Act, visit


The Health Care Law – Your Questions Answered – is sponsored by Walgreens – A The Corner of Happy and Healthy.


Lisa’s Pet Of The Week

Lisa’s Pet Of The Week

Derek is a very good boy. His calm and gentle nature makes him the perfect addition to a loving home looking for a sweet and well-mannered companion