Will I have trouble obtaining health coverage if I have a pre-existing medical condition?
Will I be able to keep my current doctor once the law takes effect?
I keep hearing about coverage of “preventative health services” under the new law. What’s covered?
What happens if I lose my job and employer health care coverage once the new law takes affect?
I keep hearing about coverage of “preventative health services” under the new law. What does that mean?
I currently receive Health Insurance through my employer. Do I have the option of buying it myself from one of the new health Exchanges?
I’m 23 years old. I have a job and an apartment, but no health care coverage and I can’t afford it myself. Can I stay on my parents’ plan?
For more information on The Affordable Health Care Act, visit https://www.healthcare.gov.
The Health Care Law – Your Questions Answered – is sponsored by Walgreens – A The Corner of Happy and Healthy.